
Veronica will talk about the latest updates in Alexa and how it can help increase your independence.  RSVP Veronica at 314-301-7344.

Love to Play Board and Card Games?

Judy offers tips on how to adapt your own games and offers resources for purchasing other ready-made ones for those with vision loss.  RSVP to Ted at 314-968-9000.

Love to Play Board and Card Games?

Judy offers tips on how to adapt your own games and offers resources for purchasing other ready-made ones for those with vision loss.  RSVP to Ted at 314-968-9000.

How to be a Fun Grandparent Despite Vision Loss

Judy offers tips and tricks for being that grandparent your grandkids can't wait to visit or have babysit for them.  Bring questions.  Parents welcome to participate!  RSVP to Ted at 314-968-9000.

How to be a Fun Grandparent Despite Vision Loss

Judy offers tips and tricks for being that grandparent your grandkids can't wait to visit or have babysit for them.  Bring questions.  Parents welcome to participate!  RSVP to Ted at 314-968-9000.

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