Wike For Sight
Friday, September 27 / 5:00 – 8:00 pm
Society for the Blind & Visually Impaired
8770 Manchester Road
Brentwood, MO 63144
We are so excited to celebrate our 3rd Annual Wike for Sight with you on
HOWEVER, the pesky weather is not going to cooperate, but
we’re not letting that keep us from having a great event. So we’re moving
indoors to our very own SLSBVI. (We hear that the wine and other beverages
taste just as good indoors as they do outdoors.)
Everything we had planned to do outside, we will do inside! The wine tasting, the
games, the Blind Wine Toss, Three Senses Trivia and more.
If you know of colleagues, family members or friends who were
coming, please let them know we’ve moved it from the park to the Society.
Go ahead and wear those hiking or tennis shoes! You can stroll our hallways
and see how and why they were designed for the visually impaired!
We WILL see you Friday,
September 27!