November 4, 2022
Thank YOU for supporting the Wike for Sight! Over 150 people gathered on October 14 in support of St. Louis Society for the Blind and Visually Impaired and our provision of services. Whether you are a longtime friend of the organization or brand new to Society, we hope that you enjoyed the event and left knowing more about our mission to enhance independence, empower individuals and to enrich the lives of people who are visually impaired or blind.
Interested in learning more about SLSBVI? Plan to attend the Giving Tuesday Open House on Tuesday, November 29 from 4-7:00 p.m. You will learn more about our services, be able to pick up a gift in the Sight Solutions Shop or from our local crafters, and more!
The Wike for Sight included help from a number of volunteers. If you’re interested in volunteering with SLSBVI, there are a variety of ways to do so, please send us an email to
As always, awareness matters. Your interest, support and gifts to Society make it possible for us to serve more than 1,100 people each year. Thank you for your generosity!
Check out the photos below…
Photo of three people standing at a cocktail table outside. They are smiling at the camera. Staff members Dr. Jennifer Lauer, Michelle Harrell, COTA and her husband Oscar.Photo of two female student volunteers from SLU. They both have long hair and are posing for the camera.Photo of large, colorful balloons surrounding the Society step and repeat background.Photo of Stumpy’s Spirits owner talking to two guests at the serving table outside.Photo of Mary and Mike Ward of Breakthru Beverages Missouri serving wine to a guest outside at their serving table.Photo of 5 student volunteers from SLU seated at a picnic table in the playground area where kids could come for treats and juices. They are all facing the camera and smiling.Photo of Dave Birkenmeier leaning on a wine serving table outside. He is smiling at the camera. Several bottles of wine for sampling are on the table.Photo of two women participating in the Guided Challenge Walk. One has her eyes closed and the other is leading her with her arm.Photo of Mike Ward pouring wine for a guest and in the foreground, Lori Tesser and Tony Carosella are chatting.Photo of two SLU student volunteers standing inside the Hearth Room. They are holding hiking maps to hand out to guests and posing together for the camera.Photo of the historic Hawken House located next to the Hearth Room in Southwest Park-Webster Groves where the Wike for Sight event took place.Photo of the registration table outside. The table is covered in a blue Society tablecloth. Behind the table is Brenda Wendling, Director of Adult Services and husband and wife volunteers Kathy and Steve Garcia.Photo of the Washington University a cappella group known as Reverb. They are posed in front of Society’s step and repeat backdrop for a group photo. There are 18 members in the group of varying races and ethnicities.Eerie photo of the Hawken House taken from a low angle at dusk. The cloudy sky has a dramatic look over the dark house.Photo of sommelier Mike Ward wearing a Mizzou jacket and smiling at the camera. He is holding a glass of wine in one hand and a bottle of red wine in the other.Photo of a table decoration on one of the outdoor cocktail tables taken after dark. A glass wine decanter holds clear fairy lights, and a vase of red roses and orange daisies sits next to it.Photo of Society’s John Boyd with his back to the camera wearing a Wike for Sight t-shirt. The shirt is blue and has the SLSBVI logo and the words Society for the Blind and Visually Impaired Wike for Sight 2022.Photo of Stumpy’s Spirits outdoor serving table. It has various flavors of whisky displayed and on a black tablecloth are the words Original Stumpy’s Spirits, established 2014. Columbia, Illinois.Photo of four female student volunteers from St. Louis University standing behind an indoor bar serving water and soda. They are huddled together and smiling for the camera.Photo of Laura Park-Leach, President and Dr. Paul Tesser having a conversation outside the Hearth Room.Photo of a young boy tossing a bean bag in the children’s game area.Photo of Dr. Bradley Smith of the Retina Institute and his wife, Elizabeth and daughter, Kathryn. They are posed together inside the Hearth Room for the camera.Photo of three guests standing outside at a cocktail table. They are chatting with each other.Photo of Brenda Wendling escorting a member of the Reverb group on a Guided Challenge Walk. The young man is wearing a mask and is trusting Brenda to guide him safely.Photo of five guests from the Retina Institute. They are gathered around a cocktail table outdoors and are smiling silly for the camera.Photo showing a wide shot inside the Hearth Room. Several people are seated at round tables with white tablecloths.Photo of Blake Shapiro, son of board member Ann Shapiro. He is blind and standing with his hands clasped in front of him as he poses for the camera.Photo of Pat and Mike McKinnis seated at a table inside. They smile for the camera.Photo of several people outside of the Hearth Room gathered around cocktail tables and mingling with each other.Photo of Board member, David Morris and husband, Joey Neal seated at a table inside the Hearth Room talking to others at a table.Photo of Board member Joan Musbach and a friend looking at a flyer for the evening’s lineup of events.Photo of Board members Alice Conway and Ann Shapiro and Susan Brinker, wife of Board chair, Joe Brinker. They are seated a dining table inside and talking with one another.Photo of four female student volunteers posing for a photo in front of the Society step and repeat backdrop.Photo of several guests gathered around an outdoor cocktail table talking with one another and enjoying a glass of wine.Photo of daughter and mother, Kathryn and Elizabeth Smith posed with their heads together in front of the step and repeat backdrop.Photo of woman wearing a blindfold while being led by a student volunteer in the Guided Challenge Walk.Photo of Judy Redlich, Outreach Specialist and husband, Ray Redlich. They are seated at a table inside the Hearth Room, and both are wearing their Wike for Sight t-shirts.Photo of two women, one is white and the other African American, as they smile at another person off camera.Photo of a friend with Director of Development, Megan Connelly. They pose for a photo in front of the step and repeat backdrop.Photo of Society client and volunteer, Chris Carosella and her brother, Tony. They are posing for the camera at an outdoor cocktail table.Photo of Ellen Gough and Anne Gleeson seated at a table inside the Hearth Room. They are having a conversation.