What’s Going On In March?
It’s March!
What’s Happening at Society?
Society offers transportation
between 8:00 am and 4:00 pm.
Carl is our weekend Transportation Specialist!
He’ll take good care of you!
Need to get somewhere this Saturday?
Call Rose and she’ll get you on his schedule!
March has arrived, which brings us a celebration of women, the luck of the Irish, the official start of Spring, and at the end of the month, a visit by the bunny.
What else?
It’s officially started!
Remodeling of the Drews Low Vision Clinic at Society began Monday, March 4.
We’ll keep you posted as things progress.
Check out these photos.

The exterior of the Sight Solutions Shop will look at lot different once it has been expanded. The old entrance will be gone.
(Current exterior of Sight Solutions Shop. A ladder and three wooden trolleys are lined up waiting to be used.)

The half wall separating the hall by the Sight Solutions Shop from the CCTV area will be demolished.
(A white wall with a beam and the word DEMO written on it in black marker.)

A worker disassembles the glass shelves and storage unit in the Sight Solutions Shop.
(A man in a bright green construction shirt on his knees in front of a shelving unit.)

The corner walls from the Sight Solutions Shop exterior and the entrance to the Drews Low Vision clinic will be demolished in order to expand the shop.
(Two white walls that meet in a corner with the word DEMO written on both sides in black marker.)
During the renovation stage, Society will be fully open and still providing all the services we offer. Plus, the Sight Solutions Shop is set up in another area and ready for anything you may need for your low vision needs.
Society’s Peer Groups are still meeting as well, so check out this month’s activities, and please pardon our dust.
Friday, March 8 – 7:00 to 8:30 PM
United Workers for the Blind
United Workers for the Blind meets the second Friday of each month. Doors open at 5:30 pm.
Contact Raymond Bishop at 314-333-2272
Saturday, March 9 – 2:00 to 5:00 PM
National Federation for the Blind
NFB meets the second Saturday of every month.
For info, contact Judy Redlich: 314-968-9000
Monday, March 11 – 10:30 to 11:30 AM
Beginner’s Apple iPhone Class
Struggling with using that new iPhone due to your vision loss? Mariko (just call her M) Lighthart guides you through a beginner’s class on how to use the Accessibility features on the Apple iPhone the second Monday of each month. Don’t let low vision get in the way of using today’s technology.
There’s also an advanced iPhone class on the 4th Monday of each month.
RSVP by calling Carlos at 314-968-9000.
Tuesday, March 12 – 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Bookworms Book Club
After needing to miss the first two meetings of the new year, the Bookworms are back this month! They will simply discuss the books everyone is reading right now and will be back on a regular book schedule starting in April. The Bookworms meet the second Tuesday of every month.
For info, contact Donna Neal – 314-651-8630
Thursday, March 14 – 10:00 to 11:30 AM
Peer Support Group Meeting
This month the group will talk about whatever is on their minds. The Peer Support Group meets the second
Thursday of each month.
For further information call: Kerry Smith at 314-963-0696
Saturday, March 16 – 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM
SASI (Sight And Sound Impaired)
Sight And Sound Impaired of St. Louis (SASISTL or SASI) is a social networking group for people who have both Deafness and Blindness and can meet others like themselves and feel like they “fit in.” We are a very casual, comfortable and fun group. We encourage family members to come, too. We welcome volunteers who would like to help by assisting as “eyes” and “ears” as needed. SASI meets on the third Saturday of each month.
For information, call Brett Wilhelm: 636-544-5358
Doors open at 8:30 AM
Saturday, March 16 – 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
VIP Social Group
Members of the VIP Social Group suggested meetings that included physical activity and physical fitness – walking, yoga, chair yoga, swimming, tai chi to name a few.
Based on the ideas suggested, the Saturday, March 16 meeting will include two speakers.
One will be from the Brentwood YMCA to talk about a variety of physical fitness topics and answer questions about activities for visually impaired people.
Our second speaker will be from Achilles St Louis. Achilles “transforms the lives of people with disabilities through athletic programs and social connections.”
We will also get additional feedback about priorities for scheduling people to lead sessions about physical therapy, chair yoga, and self defense.
Chris Carosella
314-356-0101 or email VIPsocial23@gmail.com
Come early for socializing at 9:30 AM
VIP Social Group meets the 3rd Saturday and 4th Thursday of each month.
Friday, March 22 – 10:00 AM to 12:30 PM
The group will temporarily meet the third Friday of each month in the Board Room until the remodeling of the
Drews Low Vision Clinic is complete.
This month’s topic will be
Audio Description: What it is and
how to get it.
For information: Brett Wilhelm 636-544-5358
Saturday, March 23 – 5:30 PM to 9:00 PM
Sight And Sound Impaired of St. Louis (SASI) will hold their annual Trivia Fundraiser at
The Heights, 8001 Dale Avenue in Richmond Heights
Doors open at 5:30 pm.
Trivia starts at 6:30 pm.
$20 in advance. $25 at the door.
Advanced tickets must be purchased by March 8.
Payment includes bottled water
You can pay via PayPal: sasiinfo22@gmail.com
Please use Family And Friends as the payment type.
Alternatively, send a check payable to
SASISTL, PO BOX 302, Foristell, MO 63348
Seating is limited. First come, first served basis.
We are also doing the PICK A NUMBER again.
You can win one of 5 cash prizes.
Numbers 1-100 will be sold at $20 per number.
1st Place $500 2nd Place $250 3rd Place $150
4th Place $75 5th Place $25
Candy and chips will be available for purchase.
Vending machine beverages are $2 each, cash or credit card.
You may bring your own snacks & drinks.
Alcohol is permitted.
PLEASE RSVP to any of the individuals listed below:
Brett Wilhelm sasiinfo22@gmail.com 636-544-5358
Robert Vaughn kc5nna@gmail.com 417-388-0386
Kim Vaughn Bluerobin39@gmail.com 586-202-3933
Monday, March 25 – 10:30 to 11:30 AM
Advanced Apple iPhone Class
Dr. Jen Lauer, Director of Adult Services and Mariko (just call her M) Lighthart are co-teaching an advanced class on using the Accessibility features on the Apple iPhone the fourth Monday of each month. Don’t let low vision get in the way of using today’s technology.
A beginner’s iPhone class is also offered on the 2nd Monday of each month.
RSVP by calling Carlos at 314-968-9000.
Tuesday, March 26 – 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
GAB (Games Accessible for Blindness)
Join Mary Hale for another adventure in accessible games for the blind. They had so much fun with this game last month that they’re going to play it again in March.
We have braille & large print cards. Please bring 1 or 2 items valued at $1 or more each to be used as prizes.
For info, call Mary Hale at 314-662-5777 or email her at meh331@sbcglobal.net.
GAB (Games Accessible for Blindness) playing Bingo in February. Mary Hale is in the center calling out the numbers while 16 clients are gathered around the large loop table in the Board Room. A fun time was had by all!
Thursday, March 28 – 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
VIP Social Group
Another guest speaker will attend the VIP Social Group Meeting on Thursday, March 28. Society’s own Ali Lambert, a licensed certified occupational therapy assistant will talk about the services available and also answer questions about better ways of doing things as we adapt to changing vision. This session is also for the group to share with each other things we do to adapt to our own needs
with our vision loss.
PLEASE RSVP: Chris Carosella
314-356-0101 or email VIPsocial23@gmail.com
Come early for socializing at 9:30 AM
VIP Social Group meets the 3rd Saturday and 4th Thursday of each month.
VIP Social Group at their February meeting as they discuss ideas of activities they would like to do in future meetings.
(12 people gathered around a long table in the Board room)
Saturday, March 30 – 2:00 PM
Agape Council for the Blind Chili Supper
(more info to come)
View Society events calendar here: Society Events Calendar