Society invites you to join our new peer group: the VIP Social Group, coordinated by Chris Carosella. VIP is an acronym for visually impaired people.  

THE FIRST MEETING WILL BE ON SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 18 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM in the Board Room at Society  
The topic of this first meeting is clients sharing our own tips and advice on how to adapt to our vision challenges. We have all learned a variety of ways to get things done with a vision impairment. It may be technology, transportation ideas, cooking, reading, audio choices, etc. Let’s share with each other!  

THE SECOND MEETING WILL BE ON THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM in the Multipurpose Room at Society  
The topic is safety inside and outside of our homes. Do you feel vulnerable if you’re walking alone and using a white cane? Are you able to extinguish a fire in your kitchen, if necessary? How do you know when it’s safe to ask for help? There are many things we’ve learned about rugs, utensils, candles, cooking, where to live, how to get to places, or even how to get through the day safely. 

Join us to learn how to make sure you’re safe.  
You may RSVP via email or phone. Chris’s phone number is 314-356-0101314-356-0101   The objective of the group is to encourage engagement among SLSBVI clients with a variety of topics, dates, and locations.   Visually impaired participants are welcome to bring a guest to the meetings whether it’s a friend, spouse, partner or someone they ride with.  

Meetings will be the third Saturday and fourth Thursday of each month from 10:00 am – 12:00 pm.   PLEASE CONTACT CHRIS IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN JOINING THIS GROUP OR HAVE ANY QUESTIONS.